Dec 092023

Our guest speakers

Every fortnight during term time, we organise for someone to give a presentation to which any of our members can attend. Thanks to Cath Bauman and Pam Griffith for organising. Here are the talks over the past few years.

  • Alan Cuthbertson: Climate change and Extinction Rebellion.
  • Alan Flint: On being surrounded by money.
  • Andrew Gunstone: What next after the Referendum?.
  • Andrew Lemon: Downsizing in Nillumbik.
  • Brenda Fitzpatrick: Unlikely heroes in unlikely places.
  • Brian Devenish: Worldwide scamming.
  • Catherine Blakey: Tactics for hearing impaired people.
  • Cathy Guinness: On being a white woman in an Aboriginal world.
  • Chris Durham: Looking for answers.
  • Christine Lister: Amazing Australian women.
  • Daryl Bolton: Welcome to the Shrine.
  • David Ronson: Forensic facts.
  • Dianne Parslow: Powerpoint.
  • Dianne Parslow: South America and Antarctica.
  • Fiona Malcolm: A recent Literature Festival Cruise.
  • Fiona Malcolm: Children’s books.
  • Fiona Malcolm: Desert island crime fiction.
  • Fiona Malcolm: Railway murders.
  • Fiona Malcolm: Rural noir – before and after The Dry.
  • Fiona Malcolm: ‘You at the barricades listen to this’.
  • Gaby Seymour: Maintaining bone health as you age.
  • Gavin Watson: Covid-19 pandemic hardship.
  • Geoff Paine: Geoff Paine.
  • Gillian Essex: Grandmothers for Refugees.
  • Graham Parslow: Vintage radio.
  • Graham Ray: The amazing art at the NGV.
  • Greg Papworth: Still worried about Covid?
  • Guy Palmer: A history of modern art.
  • Guy Palmer: Generating one’s own energy.
  • Guy Palmer: Google maps.
  • Guy Palmer: Poverty.
  • Guy Palmer: Social exclusion.
  • Guy Palmer: Ten interesting animals.
  • Guy Palmer: The best painting of the last 150 years.
  • Guy Palmer: Why ants work together in colonies.
  • Heather Wearne: The Referendum on a First Nations Voice.
  • Helen Durham: The laws of war.
  • Jim Connor: Eltham’s muddy history.
  • Jim Connor: Eltham pioneers and families.
  • Jim Connor: History of Old Eltham Courthouse.
  • Jim Connor: History of the Maroondah Aqueduct.
  • Jim Connor: The Old Eltham Courthouse restoration.
  • John Boothroyd: Bluegrass music.
  • June Rushton: Memories of a lighthouse keeper's daughter.
  • Kelvin & Beverly Spiller: People, personalities and preferences.
  • Liz Pidgeon: The history of your library service.
  • Louis Roller: Disease and medicines in Shakespeare’s plays.
  • Louis Roller: Hair.
  • Louis Roller: Human smiles.
  • Louis Roller: Music and well-being.
  • Louis Roller: My story.
  • Louis Roller: The placebo-nocebo conundrum
  • Louis Roller: What do your blood test results mean?
  • Louis Roller: You and your medicines.
  • Louise Heathcote: The Camino de Santiago.
  • Melinda Clarke: How the Melbourne Map was made.
  • Nick Szwed: Back to the USSR.
  • Philomena Holman: Montmorency Asylum Seekers Support Group.
  • Tammy Shepherd: Mercy Ships.
  • Terry Beaton: the Burma Railway.
  • Victorian Energy Compare.
  • Wayne Kinrade: Eltham copper butterfly.
  • Wiebke Wenzel: The North East Link Program.
  • Zara Thompson: Music therapy and ageing.