For tutors, class leaders and class reps


This page contains a number of resources for our tutors and class leaders. First and foremost, it includes the Tutor / Class Leader handbook, which was newly revised in January 2021 and provide an overview of Nillumbik U3A, your role and responsibilities, our contact details, guidelines for conducting your class and using office administration volunteers, using class assistants, using copyright materials, well-being and safety, incident reporting and more. It also includes various other policy documents and forms.

Downloading your class list

Tutors can download their class list at any time using this link ( You will need your email address (as held by Nillumbik U3A), your Nillumbik U3A ID number and your class code which can be found on the timetable.  Co-tutors will also receive a copy.

The default order of the class recipients is the chronological order in which they enrolled. Alternatively, you can sort then alphabetically by typing ‘ALPHA’ in ‘Special Requirement’ form.

The default format for the class list is .pdf. Alternatively, you can download it as an Excel spreadsheet by typing ‘XLS’ in ‘Special Requirement’ form.

Important points
  • Download class roll each term.
  • Send email to class members before start of term.
  • Check for new class enrolments the day before class starts.
  • ALL class enrolments must be done via the office or online.
  • Mark roll every week.
  • Return roll (paper or electronic) to office at the end of each term, indicating any member to be removed from list.
  1. Tutor / Class Leader handbook.
  2. Link for downloading your class list.
  3. Venues, including disabled access
  4. Incident/Accident report form.
  5. Code of conduct policy.
  6. Harassment policy.
  7. Privacy policy.
  8. Copyright licence.
  9. Our defibrillators.
  10. Issues for the hard of hearing.
  11. Term dates

Venue guides

Course Coordinator: Dianne Parslow,

Old Eltham Courthouse bookings: Dianne Parslow,

Zoom bookings: Dianne Parslow,

Newsletter (Gibber Gabber): Guy Palmer,


President: Dianne Parslow,, 0434 986 424.

Welfare Officer: Sue Lloyd, or phone (9431 1611).
Our Welfare Officer, is our main point of contact for anyone to raise welfare issues with. She will then take the appropriate actions and tell the appropriate people.

Tutor, Class Leader and Class Rep bulletins
2023: September July June
2022: December October September August July June May April February (2nd)
February (1st)
2021: November October June (2nd)
June (1st)
May April March February
2020: November September June May April March February
2019: November October September July June May March February