Mar 202024

Our 6th Golf Workshops for the Beginners was successfully concluded with a real game of golf at Yarrambat Park Golf Course on 20th March. A total of 10 students went through the training program, the maximum enrolment we can take. To assist the new golfers to play a 9-hole game, they had the support of three mentors from our Golf for Fun group, namely Chris Steed, Kay Bichard and Michael Bull. So, three groups of players with their mentors teed off at 12.20 pm, playing the actual game of golf using the Ambrose scoring system. This system enables the game to move faster so, consequently, all groups were able to finish the game on time, and were at the Club House, Hole No. 19, just after 3pm. Everyone was happy to have played a real game of golf and, since then, some have joined the Yarrambat Golf Course as members whilst others have joined our Golf for Fun group.