Mar 272024

On the evening of 27th March, 50 Nillumbik community organisations gathered at Eltham Community and Reception Centre to hear 16 of their number give short presentations followed by food and chat. Whenever such events happen, you nearly always find that some of the speakers are members of our U3A. So it was for 5 of the speakers at the Community Showcase.

Dianne Parslow
Nillumbik U3A
Dianne Bannister
North of the Yarra Quilters Guild
Graham Fildes
Eltham Community Action Group
Henry Haszler
Friends of Lower Eltham Park
Sue Dyet
Friends of Edendale
the audience

You can find the full list of the 16 speakers, the organisations that they were representing, their contact details and their presentations (as pdf documents) on our website. The same page also lists the other 32 organisations in attendance, including their website details.