Jun 022023

Around 70 people attending our Biggest Morning Tea on 2nd June to enjoy a morning tea, a talk by David Kettle from the Cancer Council and a chance to socialise with other members. We raised a total of $1,500(!), comprising $800 from raffle ticket sales, $400 from online donations and $300 from a special raffle of ISO chook palings organised by Joan Denison. The raffle prize winners were Ankie Box, Denise Ferguson, Liz Byrne, Marg Schooneveldt and Sophie Skenderis.

Thanks to our bakers: Alison Pieper, Carol Seymour, Julie Smith, Kathy Allan, Laraine Hussey, Liz Richardson, Sophie Skenderis, Sue Bailey, Sue Brenkovich and Val Harrop. Thanks to those that helped out on the day: Carol Seymour, Dennis Smith, Hector Hart, Helen Clark, Julie Smith, Karenne Lack, Laraine Hussey, Marianne Petersen and Ruth Goddard. Thanks to the sponsors of our raffle: ACMI, Eltham Bookshop, Jonar in Diamond Creek, Kuzina in Eltham and Victorian Artist supplies in Eltham. And thanks to Carole Meade for organising everything.