May 232024

Another year, another successful Biggest Morning Tea. We raised $2,550 for Cancer Council ($1,000 more than last year) and listened to an interesting presentation by Alan and Fiona White from the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.

Alan and Fiona provided information bags for each member and stressed the importance of regular prostate checks for all male family members. Their recommended websites include: the prostate zone, a touchy subject, connectAble therapies, prostate cancer foundation Australia, healthy male, passionfruit, continence foundation of Australia and mensLine Australia. A resource sheet and some other resources are now in the Old Courthouse library.

The homemade food provided by our U3A bakers was a hit, as usual. First prize, Wendy Price; second price, Kathryn Best; and third prize, Trisha Weller.

The raffle went well. This year we sold tickets to members outside of those attending on the day and thanks to all the tutors who made the effort to sell these tickets.

Thanks for Carol Seymour and Joan Denison, who collected most of the raffle prizes; Judy Vizzari, who created all the advertising posters; Alison Pieper, Anne Rohrer, Barbara Knell, Carol Seymour, Dianne Fitzmaurice, Helen Clark, Joan Denison, Kathy Allan, Sue Bailey, Sue Brenkovich, Terry Marston, Trisha Wellers and Val Harrop for baking; and Alison Pieper, Carmen Breust, Hector Hart, Jane Hammett, Julie Smith, Karenne Lack, Laraine Hussey, Marianne Peterson, Maureen Meaney and Sue Brenkovich for helping.

Thanks to all of our members who bought tickets.

[And, of course, thanks to Carole Meade for organising everything.]