Alan Cuthbertson – climate change and renewable energy


Written in December 2019.

Nillumbik U3A membership

Membership of Nillumbik U3A: 6 months.
Membership of other U3As: none.
Reason for joining our U3A: to run courses on climate change.
Other U3A classes attended: none.
Nillumbik resident?: 30 years.

In my own words

I got a PhD in Physics, then worked as a computer Programmer for 30 years. On retirement, I have become increasingly concerned about climate change and I see the U3A as a way to highlight its issues.

What my students will learn

Through classroom lessons and discussions my group will explore various aspects of climate change, including theory, climate emergency, renewable power and solutions. I aim to take my group members along a climate change journey which will enable them to recognise the climate emergency that we are facing and to learn how to understand it and to take action.

Class structure

Classroom lessons and discussions.

Why did you volunteer to run this class?

To offer a climate change course.