Keep on Thinking
Our new membership database – Member Wizard
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Join Nillumbik U3A
(new members)
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Classes & events
Class timetable
Course descriptions
Enrol in classes
Our upcoming events
Our Zoom meeting calendar
Our OEC calendar
Term dates
Class venues
Venue guides for tutors
Eltham Central Pavilion
Eltham Guide Hall
Old Eltham Courthouse
Our speakers and microphones
Our class blogs
Astronomy and Cosmology
Choir blog
Collaborative Writing blog
Writing Workshop blog
Other stories by our members
Cooking blog
Craft blog
Cycling blog
First Nations blog
Get Creative blog
Golf blog
Jazz Appreciation blog
Life Changing Events in History
Mahjong blog
Painting & Drawing blog
Poetry through the Ages blog
Other poems by our members
Renewable Energy blog
Technology Users Group blog
Travel blog
Tuning in to Opera blog
Walking groups’ blog
Wine Appreciation blog
Zentangles & Mandala Design
Other classes
Useful info
Avoiding the spread of germs
Forms and documents
For tutors and class reps
Issues for the hard of hearing
Our book swap
Our speaker and microphones
Our defibrillators
United Petrol discount scheme
Our marketing resources
Some local walks
External links
Local upcoming events
Community Showcase
Links to local groups
Selected local groups
Some local resources
Some local authors
Newsletters from nearby U3As
U3A Online
Various online resources
Member Wizard test pages
Intro to Member Wizard
Our classes: viewing/enrolling
Renew your membership
Join Nillumbik U3A
Our newsletters
Our past events
Eltham Little Theatre
Guest speakers
Guided tours
Mini expos
Morning teas
Seniors festival
Other past events
Our marketing activities
Our fundraising activities
Artwork by our members
Recent books by our members
Paraprosdokians (or puns)
Brain teasers
Lateral thinking puzzles
Melbourne in the 1950s
Remember when …
Think you are an AFL buff?
Andrew’s poems about Eltham
Lyn’s bird poems
Pat’s teddies
Eltham street names
During the pandemic
Zoom videoconferencing
Alistair’s brush with Covid-19
Grow your own food
Life in the 1500s
Photo corner
Trivia questions and answers
Competition: artwork
Competition: words
Competition: re-naming
Exercise that brain
About Us
Committee members
The early years
Our partners and sponsors
Andrew Leopold
Barbara Jackson
Bill Naim
Brian McLean
Cheryl and Stuart Winstanley
Deb and Peter Thomson
Dianne Parslow
Duang Tengtrirat
Gillian Essex
Giselle Buller
Guy Palmer
Howard Kinns
Jan Aitken
Judy Vizzari
Karen Coulston
Kath Keppel
Leanne Ipsen
Lyn and Tom Richards
Margaret Halford
Mike Ormerod
Pam Jenkins
Pauline Erickson
Ros Camera
Sabi Buehler
Serena and Graeme Sweeney
Steve Gilbert
Tony Lee
Val Harrop
Tutor profiles
Abe Kelabora
Aileen Jones
Alan Cuthbertson
Amanda Owen
Ankie Box
April Edwards
Brian Devenish
Bruno Zielke
Carlos Serrano
Carole Waldron
Christine Crowle
Damien L’Huillier
David Chambers
Denise Ferguson
Diane Turner
Dianne Bannister
Elaine Bateman
Gillian Essex
Gordon Gunn
Greg Scott
Jan Taylor
Jenni Bull
Joan Denison
John Crichton
John Stuyfbergen
June Rushton
Karen Redrup
Kathy Allan
Ken Wing Jan
Laraine Hussey
Lindsay Byrnes
Lisa Attrill
Louise Heathcote
Lucille Sadler
Margaret Hart
Margit Alm
Mike Payne
Neil Parkin
Noel Butterfield
Rob Rankin
Robert Scopes
Russell Danby
Sue Brenkovich
Valerie Laver
Vasundhara Kandpal
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Our new membership database – Member Wizard
Renew your membership
Join Nillumbik U3A
(new members)
Enrol in classes
Classes & events
Class timetable
Course descriptions
Enrol in classes
Our upcoming events
Our Zoom meeting calendar
Our OEC calendar
Term dates
Class venues
Venue guides for tutors
Eltham Central Pavilion
Eltham Guide Hall
Old Eltham Courthouse
Our speakers and microphones
Our class blogs
Astronomy and Cosmology
Choir blog
Collaborative Writing blog
Writing Workshop blog
Other stories by our members
Cooking blog
Craft blog
Cycling blog
First Nations blog
Get Creative blog
Golf blog
Jazz Appreciation blog
Life Changing Events in History
Mahjong blog
Painting & Drawing blog
Poetry through the Ages blog
Other poems by our members
Renewable Energy blog
Technology Users Group blog
Travel blog
Tuning in to Opera blog
Walking groups’ blog
Wine Appreciation blog
Zentangles & Mandala Design
Other classes
Useful info
Avoiding the spread of germs
Forms and documents
For tutors and class reps
Issues for the hard of hearing
Our book swap
Our speaker and microphones
Our defibrillators
United Petrol discount scheme
Our marketing resources
Some local walks
External links
Local upcoming events
Community Showcase
Links to local groups
Selected local groups
Some local resources
Some local authors
Newsletters from nearby U3As
U3A Online
Various online resources
Member Wizard test pages
Intro to Member Wizard
Our classes: viewing/enrolling
Renew your membership
Join Nillumbik U3A
Our newsletters
Our past events
Eltham Little Theatre
Guest speakers
Guided tours
Mini expos
Morning teas
Seniors festival
Other past events
Our marketing activities
Our fundraising activities
Artwork by our members
Recent books by our members
Paraprosdokians (or puns)
Brain teasers
Lateral thinking puzzles
Melbourne in the 1950s
Remember when …
Think you are an AFL buff?
Andrew’s poems about Eltham
Lyn’s bird poems
Pat’s teddies
Eltham street names
During the pandemic
Zoom videoconferencing
Alistair’s brush with Covid-19
Grow your own food
Life in the 1500s
Photo corner
Trivia questions and answers
Competition: artwork
Competition: words
Competition: re-naming
Exercise that brain
About Us
Committee members
The early years
Our partners and sponsors
Andrew Leopold
Barbara Jackson
Bill Naim
Brian McLean
Cheryl and Stuart Winstanley
Deb and Peter Thomson
Dianne Parslow
Duang Tengtrirat
Gillian Essex
Giselle Buller
Guy Palmer
Howard Kinns
Jan Aitken
Judy Vizzari
Karen Coulston
Kath Keppel
Leanne Ipsen
Lyn and Tom Richards
Margaret Halford
Mike Ormerod
Pam Jenkins
Pauline Erickson
Ros Camera
Sabi Buehler
Serena and Graeme Sweeney
Steve Gilbert
Tony Lee
Val Harrop
Tutor profiles
Abe Kelabora
Aileen Jones
Alan Cuthbertson
Amanda Owen
Ankie Box
April Edwards
Brian Devenish
Bruno Zielke
Carlos Serrano
Carole Waldron
Christine Crowle
Damien L’Huillier
David Chambers
Denise Ferguson
Diane Turner
Dianne Bannister
Elaine Bateman
Gillian Essex
Gordon Gunn
Greg Scott
Jan Taylor
Jenni Bull
Joan Denison
John Crichton
John Stuyfbergen
June Rushton
Karen Redrup
Kathy Allan
Ken Wing Jan
Laraine Hussey
Lindsay Byrnes
Lisa Attrill
Louise Heathcote
Lucille Sadler
Margaret Hart
Margit Alm
Mike Payne
Neil Parkin
Noel Butterfield
Rob Rankin
Robert Scopes
Russell Danby
Sue Brenkovich
Valerie Laver
Vasundhara Kandpal