Huguette De Rycke – our photographer


Huguette has recently volunteered to be our ‘official’ photographer, and has started photographing some of our events in classrooms, outdoors and in public spaces. Some of her photos have already started to appear in this newsletter.

Belgian born Huguette moved to Eltham in 2017 to be closed to her daughter and grandson. Although outer north-eastern Melbourne is very different to inner-city Southbank, she says that she “absolutely” loves our township. She joined our U3A in 2019 after hearing about us through friends.

She says, “I’ve always liked taking photos and taking photos in different ways,” so, when she was able, she enrolled part-time into PSC, a photography college in Southbank. Then, following her formal studies, she joined photography excursions on a grand scale, travelling to a total of 35 countries including such adventurous destinations as Cuba, Iceland and Iran. She says that Iran was particularly interesting for its striking photographic opportunities and as a learning experience of a culture she knew little about; “the people there were absolutely lovely and I felt safe” although “care was needed to avoid photographing military sites.

Watch out to see if Huguette visits your class!