Eltham Central Pavilion Maintenance Coordinator – job description
At some of our venues, we are one of a small number of user groups who make substantial use of the venue. In such cases, we have an interest in making sure that needed maintenance tasks are identified and communicated to the relevant people at Council and elsewhere.
Eltham Central Pavilion is one such venue.
Parts of the Pavilion are only used by us (e.g. the Office and the kitchenette), whilst other parts are shared with the three sporting clubs (e.g. the main room and the toilets). The role of the Maintenance Coordinator will be a bit different in these two different cases.
The parts of the Pavilion only used by us (e.g. the Office and the kitchenette)
It is the job of the Leisure Department (April Wilson) at Council to maintain these parts. Our job is to tell the Leisure Department about any maintenance tasks that we think that they need to do. The role of the Maintenance Coordinator is to:
- Be the person who others within the U3A (e.g. Karen Redrup, Guy Palmer) communicate possible maintenance tasks.
- If it is easy (e.g. do with moving furniture), potentially complete the task.
- If it is more substantial, tell the Leisure Department about the needed task.
- Liaise with Leisure about timing, progress, etc.
- If necessary, elevate the issue by discussing it with our President.
The scope of ‘maintenance’ in this context is quite broad including, for example, any needs for extra keys, locks etc as well as things being mended. It does not include the IT and audiovisual equipment.
The parts of the Pavilion shared with the sporting clubs (e.g. the Main Room)
The sporting clubs have appointed someone (John Smith) as their Facilities Manager and their general stance towards maintenance is to do it themselves, only going to the Leisure Department as a last resort. If we want something done, we need to agree it with John. The role of the Maintenance Coordinator is therefore to:
- Be the person who others within the U3A communicate possible maintenance tasks.
- Discuss the tasks with the sporting clubs’ Facilities Manager and agree the way forward.
- Liaise with the sporting clubs’ Facilities Manager about timing, progress, etc.
- If necessary, elevate the issue by discussing it with our President.