Mar 142022

Dear U3a friends, don’t presume
Our group is in virtual gloom.
 We’re blessedly mask free.
 A RAT test? Don’t ask me!
We’re happier meeting on Zoom!

We don’t have to think Covid Doom,
Or worry that others assume
 That it’s safe to sit close
 With a sniffle (that’s gross)
So long as there’s air in the room.

We enjoy seeing everyone’s faces
In their comfy and personal spaces.
 Their pets are our friends
 And no one offends
Skipping check-in to thwart contact tracers.

Other positives? One of the best
Is inclusion of those who are stressed
 By risk – comorbidity
 Or merely timidity.
And there’s no need to be fully dressed!

We admit there are times when we fume
At regrettable features of Zoom.
 But (thanks, U3A!)
 Online, we will stay
While the elephant’s still in the room.